Wednesday, July 14, 2010

A bulleted list.


  • 50% of the omelets I made tonight were flawless.
  • I can't stop eating salted and peppered avocados. 
  • Marvin is demanding desserts. 
  • I haven't had a dessert in two days. (This is monumental.) 
  • I named Bob's kitten Darlene so I could yell at her very Rosanne-ly. 
  • Bilberries are not the same as blueberries...but they are cousins. 
  • We had planned to go watch a documentary about dirt tonight, but the thought of climbing all those stairs at the library after doing too much stretching yesterday didn't sound like fun and I would be embarrassed to take the elevator to a film about sustainability. 
  • I want to know more about the British League of Pessimists.
  • I got an invitation that was printed on paper that contained native wildflowers of Arkansas. That made my week. 
  • Fantastic Mr. Fox was...fantastic. 
  • I started keeping a dream diary. There are three entries so far: a race war, a baby pooping on the carpet, and my friend making a movie about her horrible mother. 
  • One of the best dreams I ever had involved singing and dancing cartoon popsicles. 
  • I just figured out that popsicle is a combination of  "lollipop" and "icicle."
  • Dumb. 
Bring on the weekend, please. 


Betty The Bruiser said...

I LOVE WEDNESDAY ADDAMS. So much, in fact, that I'm trying to paint a watercolor picture of her this week.

I also really love your lists. After reading your posts, I always feel inspired. Thank you.

Derek Riley said...

yeah, we are thinking about holding the reunion show on the steps of Jones Dorm at ATU. :)

That second photo is so creepy. I want it!!

Scout said...

Huh.... lollipop and icicle. I never thought about that. HAHA!

lindsi said...

i like all these pictures.
yes, i saw that you celebrate them too! i'm glad.