Wednesday, June 23, 2010

There's good news...

I made vegan peanut butter blondies and they were gooood.

Marvin brought me a flower  and I tried to submerge it in an ugly jar.

I watched Dr. Bronner's Magic Soapbox and am now an even bigger fan of his products. Salary capping + the Moral ABCs. Gotta love it.

I found the perfect faux-bamboo frame at Goodwill for my Jorge Garcia autograph.

Got quite a few good salads out of the shoe rack lettuce before it withered away in the 100+ degree heat.

 I'll be hanging out with Vanessa (and her goats!) in a week and a half.

Also, the weird lump in Marvin's GROIN went away. (No photo on that one; sorry folks.) I like to think it went away because of all the herbs and vitamins I've been giving him...or an answered prayer, but it may have just been a work-related injury. Either way, we're glad it's gone!

Love, love, love,

P.S. - I just ate a cucumber that had to have been two feet long. I'm not sure which is more amazing: the fact that a cucumber was two feet long, or that I ate that much cucumber.

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