Monday, March 22, 2010

Times two.

We biked the trail again...same as yesterday...minus Marvin, plus twenty degrees and no incidents of clumsiness on my part. The turtles were out full force and there was nary a cloud in the sky. Is it really spring now?

                                    ^ That was the best spring...but I am hereby declaring that this one will be equally, if not MORE amazing. You got that?


Derek Riley said...
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Derek Riley said...

I want some bikin' photos!! :)
I remember seeing that photo from somewhere...I remember thinking that Marvin was one cool dude. He was rockin' skinny jeans before they were 'cool'.

courtneyism said...

good spring. yes, marvin was quite fashionable then.
Not that he isn't now.
Just less flamboyant. Like most old people, his flare is mostly in his shoes now.
But I was driving around uca campus the other day and I thought everyone looked ridiculous.

Rachel said...

heading your way this weekend!

Mandy said...

i agree this spring/summer is going to be awesome!!! p.s. i started a new blog!!!!

Unknown said...

did i delete my comment? it was good...